
RPA adoption leads to 57% reduction in data entry process times

RPA adoption leads to 57% reduction in data entry process times


We automated the reporting and generation of pattern defined references. The time a bot takes to augment the daily auditing process has been reduced by 57%, from 87 minutes per report to 37 minutes and human error and rework has been reduced during the gathering and comparing of the data.

About Tradetech

Tradetech Inc. specialises in creating software solutions for the international logistics industry. The organisation created world-class applications linking sales, operations and accounting processes to support clients with expediting cargo.

The challenge

  • Accuracy level: Data inputs related to the International Marine Code and goods descriptions which, per cargo norms agreed, require 99.9% accuracy. Every single report needed to be internally cross-checked by senior staff members before being transmitted to US/Canada Customs.
  • Tight delivery schedule: According to regulations enforced by the US, Canada and Japan Customs agencies, ocean cargo-security filing must occur 24 hours before shipments can be loaded at the port of origin. This results in a strict deadline for the delivery and necessitates a speedy input at defined accuracy level.

Our approach

Automation utilising NashTech’s Automation Accelerator and UIPath technology supports process specific data consolidation and reconciliation.

We deployed predefined daily scheduling schema to trigger the bot’s performance for subprocesses and rolled out the solution to the private cloud to ensure high security, easy maintenance and scalability.

The automation adoption followed agile methodology and a scrum framework. Post production release followed a hyper care period which ensured sustainable automation running and support.

The solution

We automated the reporting and generation of pattern defined references which meant the existing workforce could focus on adding references coming in from unstructured sources such as eMail and perform an audit of the outputs.

The solution was applied to a number of robotic subprocess intersected with team members providing decisions on preferred root causes identification flows to be triggered and processed by a bot.

Auditors and supervisors can access daily processing outputs in real time.

The outcome

reduction in data entry process times
0 %
the time a bot takes to process a report
87 mins
quality control review is reduced from 12 minutes to 4 minutes
12 mins

The time a bot takes to augment the daily auditing process has been reduced by 57%, from 87 minutes per report to 37 minutes and human error and rework has been reduced during the gathering and comparing of the data.

The time it takes for the quality control review, before submitting the final output to the client, has been reduced from 12 minutes per report per day to 4 minutes. This equates to an average daily saving of one hour of senior staff time.


“NashTech performs data entry for several mission-critical Tradetech Inc. (TTI) processes, beginning with data entry for cargo-security filing in 2005. NashTech has exceeded our expectations for speed, accuracy and flexibility. NashTech’s quality control processes are the best that we have seen and contribute to the excellent results that TTI continually receives from NashTech. We are highly satisfied with the NashTech team.”

Bryn Heimbeck, President – Tradetech

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