
NashTech builds MVP Roadmap for ClassWall

MVP Roadmap for ClassWall yields investor interest and product validation


NashTech built a roadmap to create an MVP that could be taken to educational institutes and investors. ClassWall was able to garner investor interest and successfully validate the idea in production. 

ClassWall is a free social network primarily built for higher education. It allows university students, professors, and organisations to collaborate on various points. Students get to showcase their work and compare and enhance their skills. Professors can engage their students with real-time questions and quizzes and curate media across the net for the knowledge gain of students. It provides a holistic social network to learn and collaborate using responsive features

The challenge

ClassWall started with a dream to create a product that would change the way knowledge is disseminated and consumed in the higher education space. ClassWall required a team that could not only implement the idea but also helps refine it and suggest features as the product was developed.


The solution

NashTech worked with the team at ClassWall to build a roadmap to create an MVP that could be taken to educational institutes and investors. Mostly all features were built for responsiveness and availability. Clustering and load balancing was incorporated to take care of exam time traffic. The features were released on a sprint-to-sprint basis and tested on the battleground with two pilot universities in California.


The outcome 

Currently, the product is being heavily used in the beta sites and is under private beta. ClassWall was able to garner investor interest and successfully validate the idea in production. NashTech continues to be their engineering arm for the product as we get to the bigger league, which would have larger scalability and concurrency concerns.

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