
POC vs MVP: What's the difference?


When it comes to product development, Proof of Concept (POC) and Minimum Viable Product (MVP) are both essential stages of the process. Although sometimes used interchangeably, each term has its own meaning and is a vital step towards successfully launching a product. 

But what is the difference between POC and MVP? The following guide will show you the differences between these two processes and when you should consider each.  

What is Proof of Concept (POC)? 

Let’s say that you are a technology company looking to develop a new mobile app. You’ve carried out some initial research and have come up with an idea that you believe can generate revenue and improve your customer engagement. The next stage is to test the validity of your idea with a POC, or Proof of Concept.  

But what exactly is a POC? 

A POC is a small-scale visualisation that tests the validity of your idea in the real world. It’s a way of evaluating your concept and demonstrating that it is feasible before you spend time and resources developing a prototype. 

Creating a POC is an essential step in the development of any new idea. It enables you to prove that building your proposed mobile app is achievable. It also provides an idea of the time scales involved to execute the project. 

Crucially, a POC allows you to demonstrate your idea to colleagues and decision-makers. It helps them to see the potential of your idea and how your app will contribute to the strategic goals of the business.  

What is Minimal Viable Product (MVP)?  

An MVP or Minimal Viable Product is a developed version of your app with core functionality. It has enough features and functionality to attract early adopters so that you can validate your product with the minimum amount of effort.  

It allows you to control time and resources that might otherwise be used to build a product that is unsuccessful.  

You may choose to develop and release a minimal viable product so that you can launch your app to market quickly. An MVP also allows you to deal with real users before scaling up your project. This means that you can test how well the app resonates with your target market and work out what areas of the app may need improvement. It also allows you to plan and minimise your time and resources.  

What is the difference between POC and MVP? 

A proof of concept often involves a small exercise to test the real-world potential of an incomplete idea. This isn’t about delivering the idea, but demonstrating whether it is feasible. It should be used in the early stages when you first have an instinct about an idea. A proof of concept shows if a product, feature or system can be developed. 

Following these processes will help you to validate your ideas in an efficient and cost-conscientious way and bring value to your end-users as quickly and smartly as possible. 

Read more about what an MVP is and, importantly, what it isn’t in our minimum viable product: what it is and what it isn’t article. 

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